2008년 2월 14일 목요일

[Animal Farm] - Question 1) The Major Theme

image citation : http://images.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=http://arungoodboy.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/animal_farm_2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://arungoodboy.wordpress.com/&h=600&w=800&sz=101&hl=ko&start=22&um=1&tbnid=Cg8WoLn-oPsEqM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danimal%2Bfarm%26start%3D18%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26complete%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26lr%3D%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN

QUESTION : What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to teenager living in 2008?

"Animal Farm, is a novel by George Orwell which is about a farmland where animals were overdriven to labor by owner called Mr. Jones. Growing tired and sick of the their state which only seems to get worse than better, animals start up a revolution which overthrows the reign of Mr. Jones and builds up their own society to run the farm."

This is the image that is normally observed in the novel, "Animal Farm". However, this little story of a small farmland inside England is actually a profound and allegorical story.
As you read this allegorical story, you will come to realize that the book is actually showing a history of Russia from 1917 (Russian Revolution) to 1943 (Teheran Meeting).

I will save up what the characters represents for the other question and move on to identifying the major theme of animal farm.

First, to look up at the title "Animal Farm", animal farm was a society that got run by a great leader called "Napoleon", the absolutist that reigned the farm in system which we call, "Socialism". It was a place which was to be perfect and peaceful, where all the ideals of every animals were promised to come true.

Second, analysis of the characters and their actions. Main action and dilemma of the story was mainly gazed upon the way that Napoleon organized the farm. Napoleon is a leader who stood in front of all animals in the farm to make the words (ideals) of old "Major" come true.
Napoleon gains all the trust and absolute power all over the farm as the ultimate leader, but this consequence reads him into delinquency. It turns out that everyone else was working and dying for one another while Napoleon and the group of pigs are living at the highest point in their standard of living, which points out the depravity that the system of socialism fell into.

Third, the climax of the story is identified as the part where "Boxer" gets taken by the horse slaughterer. This is the climax of the story because it is the part where nothing could be turned back to the way it was (point-of-no-return).
It played an important role in the novel to show how delinquent Napoleon has become
(action of selling away the life of a truly devoted worker that is now unable to produce a product called "labor").

Fourth, the resolution of the story was that the pigs (the leading group of the farm including Napoleon) got along with humans and played a game of cards, announcing that they were equal and friends now. This shows how the leaders of the socialism would even flex their ideals for their own benefits. Again, this is all about the depravity that the pigs have fell into.

Looking back at all these four statements, it could be told that the story was talking about the depravity that revolutions fall into although it turns out to be successful for at least a while, pointing out that these types of revolutions never will give a true success to everyone but to the elites who starts it.

The theme major theme of this story is that..... "Absolutist always comes to depravity"

I have mentioned that the story mainly represented the social history of Russia. But there are more possibilities and message in this story.

To justify this story, it could be said that this story is a allegory that shows the Russian history.
But at the same time, it is a fable of ideology that criticizes the ideals of revolution that starts and composes of falsehood public pledge.

How is it important to the teenagers that dwell in this era?
It is important for teenagers to think out of this story. About the society and the system we live in and if it is wrong or right. Teenagers should think about the meaning of true happiness for everyone.

Here are some questions for "precious" teenagers that dwells in this era.

1. Theme : Do all revolutions and communism always fail and fall into depravity?
Does all dictatorship fall into delinquency?

2. Look back to one of the seven commandments that were in the animal farm
"All animals are equal."
What is the true meaning of equality?
Like humans, animals are developed differently from each other. Pigs, horses, cows, dogs, chickens, rats, and sheep are very different from each other.
So how could that "true equality" come to existence? Is it possible?

3. Resolution : At the card game of very end. Pilkington and Napoleon both put out spade ace and that creates a fight among them.
What is the meaning of this spade ace?

Thank you for reading my first post.
You will be welcomed to at least, answer one of the questions that I made.

댓글 2개:

breaxion :

Hey I think the last line of your first paragraph (the theme) needs some tweaking - "builds up their on society to run the farm".

You can figure out yourself what the grammatical error is.

By the way, visit my blog people!

Minkyu Cha :

Wow, I was really impressed with the depth that you were thinking. I think that the main theme is the wrong idea of communism in the world. And that we should not practice the act of communism. I thought that Napoleon is a leader that we had seen a lot in the history like Hitler, or Kim Jung Il. I enjoyed reading your stuff.