2008년 2월 17일 일요일

[Animal Farm] - Question 2) The Characters

Picture Citation: http://images.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=http://sunslife.com/image/peoples/animal_farm.jpg&imgrefurl=http://sunslife.com/bbs/view.php%3Fid%3D4004%26no%3D664&h=681&w=938&sz=302&hl=ko&start=35&um=1&tbnid=nmL7tVSCH2YvMM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=148&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danimal%2Bfarm%26start%3D18%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26complete%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26lr%3D%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN

Question: Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

There are lots of animals and characters that appear in this story. Before I choose who I like the best, let me list the analysis and description of them.


Benjamin, raven : Are an old donkey and raven that dwells in the Animal Farm for a long time. They are smart and significant about the politics going around. I think that they represent the intellectual that is unwilled to change or parcipitate the economy. Raven seemed to be related to religion...(sugarcane mountain)

Boxer (and horses) : Is a horse that believed socialism and devoted his life for it. He represents the people that truly believes in socialism.

Napoleon : Is a authoritarian pig that shows absolute power with his intelligence and power of his army (dogs). He significantly shows depravity by selling away the truly devoted follower when he was unable to use anymore. The one who starts revolution by stirring the citizens (animals), and tries to stand on top of nation with deprived and mutilated socialism. A pretender. Referred to Russian history, he represents Stalin.

Snowball : Idealist that tries to protect the true ideals of the revolution but is terminated by his "comrade" Napoleon. Referred to Russian history, he represents Lev Davidovich Bronstein.

Mr. Jones : The previous owner of the farm (before Napoleon) that used to reign over animals. Referred to Russian history, represents Emperor Nicholas 2nd. Also represents feudal system.

Major : The old pig that created the ideal called "Animalism", which all rights "for" the people and "by" the people are promised to come true.
Referred to the Russian story, he represents Marks.

Flock of Sheep : Represents the press that directly delivers the mutilated socialism to the other citizens (animals).

Frederick : Owner of the neighbouring farm. To look at the change of relationship with animal farm, I think that he represents fascism (Fascios).

Pilkington : Owner of the neighbouring farm. I think that he represents captalism.

As a character that I admire the most among these diverse types of characters. I admire Napoleon, the great pig of dictatorship.
The reason I buy him so high is because of the knowledge and power that he posseses. Most of other people would think of himself as the main "EVIL" and also a ashameable character.
But that is the reason I like him, I like characters that posseses large amount of power and potential. Maybe this is the reason I turn out to be liking picaresque literatures.

The universal truth that this character reveals throughout the actions in this novel is that "Justice doesn't always come to victory."

In our present day history, it is proved that not all what we call "Justice" comes to existence in our society. By the victory of this character shown at the very last, it creates a small thesis that a person in possession of the power will win no matter how delinquent and evil they are.

Animal farm is not a picaresque novel, but my perspective is (...)

Thank you for reading my second post (if you actually have)
Who is your favorite character?

P.S. Somebody tell me the name of that raven? I forgot his name.

댓글 6개:

breaxion :

Wow man this is sooo bad.
I thought u cud do better eugene

Strike Freedom :

ㄴ Darn you Brian ㄱ-;

hnas565 :

Aren't you supposed to explain and list only some major characters? Anyways...

How could you like Napoleon!! You said that he possesses both intelliegence and power, but I disagree with your thoughts. In some part of the novel, Napoleon used power to influence the animals thoughts, but not by using his intelligence. The novel rarely presents any action he does to reveal his intelligence.

I understood the theme. I never thought it that way. Your theme reveals that using power will lead to victory, as presented in the novel. In Animal Farm, Napoleon possessed power, thus, in the end he still maintained that power. However, I disagree with your theme. In reality, even though a person may possess power, he/she may not maintain it until the end. I'm not saying nobody could control it, but not everyone as well.

By the way, my fav character is Boxer.

Strike Freedom :

ㄴInfluencing the animal itself and creating and controlling the society IS intelligence and political power at the same time.
There were lots of powerful animals like Boxers but Napoleon was able to get total control. I am not talking about the right or wrong use, or justice or evil, I am talking about ONLY the 'power' that it possesses

익명 :

Well, I think you have some seriously different thoughts about these characters from mine, Eugene. First of all, I can't get why you like Napoleon. He is a pig of dictatorship who has evil ambition in his head. He may be smart, but he uses those ideas of his to dominate over others and treat them with lies and cheats. His power and his sinister intelligence is what made him a dictator of the Animal Farm, and I don’t see that very pleasing or do I see it very good. Until the very end, for his stupid ambition to become manlike – to become a human being, all the animals were tricked, and died of hardships, not knowing the plans Napoleon gave out. If he could use this intelligence to prosper the Animal Farm, I admit that he’s cool and all that. But he doesn’t, which makes him a fat chunk of villain to me.
But I liked to see some new ideas. Good job, my man.

Minkyu Cha :

I think that one of the best thing that George Orwell did to make this a sucessful novel was the message that he gave to the people with the incredible characters that he made. I think that the way he made the animals in to a hierachy was an excellent idea and also making them a good fit of what they actually is.
One thing that we thought differently is the theme where I thought power leads to distruction but actually you thought it was way to victory which was pretty interesting.