2008년 2월 19일 화요일

[Animal Farm] - Question 4) The Passage

Picture Citation: http://images.google.co.kr/imgres?imgurl=http://www.leestringle.com/images/Illustration/Animal-Farm.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.leestringle.com/animalfarm.html&h=501&w=507&sz=411&hl=ko&start=46&um=1&tbnid=Kqbhr67jZ4gDYM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danimal%2Bfarm%26start%3D36%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26complete%3D1%26hl%3Dko%26lr%3D%26newwindow%3D1%26sa%3DN

Question : Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.


Lots of events (passage) were meaningful in the novel, but among all of the events, I think that the very last part (resolution) is the most meaningful part (resolution). I consider it to be more impacting than the climax.

Lets think about this passage.

Napoleon and Pilkington both plays spade ace that creates the fight.

There's only one copy of it in each deck. Does that mean that they played with 2 decks to increase the numbers of card so there is enough for 12 people to play?

They could have just thought that a card got mixed and retreat one of them and pass over it. In conclusion, it means that the fight was unnesscary.

What starts up fights?

That means that everyone in the game was actually trying to cheat. They knew that they had spade ace and saw others play it, that tells them that they were all trying to cheat on each other. That is why even the ones that didn't play the ace joined the fight. They couldn't trust each other anymore.

This drags out a voice of the author that criticizes not only socialism, but also all of the other systems and economies that is founded by leaders of mutilated ideals, greed and forgery. Pointing out that all these are the same, dirty things no matter how different they look on the outside. I guess we are only a human after all (...)

This event made my mind echo with George Orwell's voice. I guess it also reveals his life experiences of him (look up for his biography if interested).

Thank you for reading my fourth post.
Some how, I feel that my posts are getting shorter....

댓글 2개:

Brian Ryu :

I found most of us' significant passages are different, and that applies to you too Eugene. Although I didn't write about it, I think this passage was also significant to me because it explains the situation directly to the readers to give an strong impact. I understand how you chose this passage as the most significant article. I also think that you precisely chose out the theme implied inside this passage, which means that it is absolutely correct. I think it would have been better if you have written about the solutions and examples of similar situations in real life.(I mean close ones)
Overall, Awesome!
P.S. I like the last paragraph that says thank you for reading my fourth entry......

익명 :

Hmm... I hope you would post the passage someday... LOL.
Wow. Though your entry, I could see that you really dived into the world of Animal Farm. The spaces in the cards and the whole idea of forgery really caught my attention. I realized that they were trying to cheat, but I didn't know that George Orwell also tried to show the world about the pigs' mutilated ideas in communism. However, from my point of view, the whole behavior of playing game symbolizes THE biggest point from Animal Farm. Do you remember the beginning of the story? They were trying to be free from the humans. They believed what was right for the 'animals.' That is why they fought for independence and sang the 'Beasts of England.' They thought they were being ruled by humans. So they became free, and then what? Napoleon starts to change the plan. Although Napoleon emphasizes the animals to act like animals, pigs were not being part of them. In fact, they were becoming like humans. As you mentioned, pigs played cards at the end of the story. Most importantly, they played the cards at the 'house', not the barn. This clearly shows that they were becoming like humans. Later on, they began acting and dressing like humans. I hoped that this book would finish with working class' victory. However, the ending seemed that the future had no hope, but the continuous development of pigs as becoming like humans. I believe this specific scene tells lot about the theme of Animal Farm and leaves the readers with their personal predictions about animals' future. You really came up with a good passage to discuss about. Splendid Eugene!